Making The Most Of The Early Years With Baby Signing

Driving home from my new Baby Signing Workshop class I started to think about all of the new babies and mummys I had just met and how wonderful it was that they had found each other to share all of their baby stories, celebrations and worries. I thought about how very young all of the babies were in that class, (the youngest being just 6 weeks old and the oldest nearly 7 months), and how quickly that special time passes by.

So What is Baby Signing?

Baby Signing is  a method of communicating with your baby before they are able to speak. The great thing about baby signing is that it can reduce tantrums as baby is able to communicate his wants and needs. It really is amazing to discover how much our little ones know and understand and baby sign is the key to this valuable information. It is also a fantastic way to bond with your baby and promotes clear and focused communication. To take a course of baby signing training and then apply what has been learned is so rewarding. Some possible results of signing with baby include developing a stronger bond between baby and parent, easier communication of baby’s wants and needs, a larger vocabulary and of course precious time spent together.

baby signing for communication

Babies develop at an unbelievable rate during the very early years and this is why those early days and weeks are so important. It is easy to be misled into believing that a child’s education begins at 4 years as they enter school. However this is not the case. New pathways are being formed in the brain from the very beginning at an amazing rate and need to be stimulated for a child to reach his or her full potential. To spend this time together and to be able to take part in activities together early in your child’s life is precious and must be cherished.

One of the fun ways to spend time with your baby or young child is to attend groups or classes. If you are unable to access a class or cannot find one in your local area, then why not try out an online course? The benefit of an online course is that you can login at a convenient time and then try out the activities with baby when the time feels right. Often you also have access to the information in an online course at a later date if you happen to forget any of the activity ideas.

Enjoy the time with your little one.