Singing To Your Baby

There are many ways in which your baby can enjoy music, but one of the most powerful yet most accessible ways is through the use of song and rhyme. Did you know that one of the most magical sounds for a young baby to hear is the sound of his mother’s voice? Research shows that Baby recognises his mother’s voice because it is familiar. The reason for this is that the auditory system is functional even whilst Baby is still in the womb – from around 20 weeks gestation in fact! The sound of a mother’s voice gives a young baby a feeling of security and if a mother sings to her baby this really is a very young baby’s first singing experience, as the ears can distinguish one sound from another at birth.


Below are a few ideas of how singing and chanting will help your child’s development and make great parenting easier.


Relaxing bedtime – Why not sing a relaxing lullaby to set the mood for bedtime and sleep? By singing bedtime lullabies daily you are not only soothing baby by singing relaxing sounds, you are also setting up a routine that Baby will become comfortable and familiar with, (bedtime follows lullaby).


Nappy changing – Avoid a battle on the nappy changing table by singing a favourite song of Baby’s, (one that really engages him!), and don’t forget to use an expressive face to maintain interest. Distraction is a very powerful tool at times like this!


Bonding with Baby – Bond with your baby by singing to him whilst maintaining good eye contact. A strong bond between parent and child is one of the most important factors in developing a child’s emotional foundation.


There are so many benefits to be achieved from singing with your baby. Why not let me know of some benefits that you have experienced for yourself?! I would love to hear about your experiences.