Guest blogger on I’m a Baby!

It’s been a busy time over at Play On Education and there are a number of collaborations with other businesses in the pipeline – watch this space! I’ve been a little quiet on my blog recently, but wanted to point all my readers in the direction of the wonderful ‘I’m a Baby’ site, a great new site for pregnant women and new mothers.

I was invited by Louise and Joanne to write a guest post on their new I’m a Baby site. I believe that everyone is born with a level of musical potential, so I jumped at the chance to write a post that may help to stimulate some musical activity in the home. Singing is a perfect activity to share with a new baby or toddler. It is accessible to all, (no props or instruments required!), and doesn’t cost a penny! Take a look at the post for information and ideas for ‘Singing To Your Baby’

There are so many benefits to be achieved from singing with your baby. Why not let me know of some benefits that you have experienced for yourself over on the Play On Education Facebook page or by leaving a comment on this blog post?! I would love to hear about your experiences.