Singing To Your Baby

There are many ways in which your baby can enjoy music, but one of the most powerful yet most accessible ways is through the use of song and rhyme. Did you know that one of the most magical sounds for a young baby to hear is the sound of his mother’s voice? Research shows that Baby recognises his mother’s voice because it is familiar. The reason for this is that the auditory system is functional even whilst Baby is still in the womb – from around 20 weeks gestation in fact! The sound of a mother’s voice gives a young baby a feeling of security and if a mother sings to her baby this really is a very young baby’s first singing experience, as the ears can distinguish one sound from another at birth.


Below are a few ideas of how singing and chanting will help your child’s development and make great parenting easier.


Relaxing bedtime – Why not sing a relaxing lullaby to set the mood for bedtime and sleep? By singing bedtime lullabies daily you are not only soothing baby by singing relaxing sounds, you are also setting up a routine that Baby will become comfortable and familiar with, (bedtime follows lullaby).


Nappy changing – Avoid a battle on the nappy changing table by singing a favourite song of Baby’s, (one that really engages him!), and don’t forget to use an expressive face to maintain interest. Distraction is a very powerful tool at times like this!


Bonding with Baby – Bond with your baby by singing to him whilst maintaining good eye contact. A strong bond between parent and child is one of the most important factors in developing a child’s emotional foundation.


There are so many benefits to be achieved from singing with your baby. Why not let me know of some benefits that you have experienced for yourself?! I would love to hear about your experiences.



Christmas Sounds. Music and Sound for Young Children.

Early years music. Music and sound for young children.

Does your baby or toddler enjoy exploring different objects and textures? Why not take the opportunity to encourage your child to listen to sounds around them and to create sounds from objects around them? Christmas music activities can be so rewarding. Using music and sound for young children is a great way to engage your child in fun activities.

Musical instruments, although nice to have, are not necessarily needed in order to make music and sounds with your child. Take a look at the short list of musical opportunities at Christmas time below:

christmas music activities,early years, music education

  • Crinkle and tear wrapping paper from all those presents – lots of interesting sounds to hear!
  • Sing Christmas Carols. Children love nothing more than hearing their parents voices
  • Spin an empty or round chocolate or biscuit tin that you’ve had for Christmas and listen to the sound it makes as it gradually lowers, then falls
  • Fill the tin with some rice or dried beans to make an ocean drum. Swirl, shake and tap to hear different sounds
  • Use empty toy boxes and tins as a drum
  • Scrape rough surfaces from packaging together
  • Compare sounds when tapping or scraping
  • Swish tinsel through the air and through fingers to engage many senses, (touch, sight, hearing)


Do you have any more ideas for Christmas music activities? If so, I’d love to hear them!

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from Play On Education!



Making The Most Of The Early Years With Baby Signing

Driving home from my new Baby Signing Workshop class I started to think about all of the new babies and mummys I had just met and how wonderful it was that they had found each other to share all of their baby stories, celebrations and worries. I thought about how very young all of the babies were in that class, (the youngest being just 6 weeks old and the oldest nearly 7 months), and how quickly that special time passes by.

So What is Baby Signing?

Baby Signing is  a method of communicating with your baby before they are able to speak. The great thing about baby signing is that it can reduce tantrums as baby is able to communicate his wants and needs. It really is amazing to discover how much our little ones know and understand and baby sign is the key to this valuable information. It is also a fantastic way to bond with your baby and promotes clear and focused communication. To take a course of baby signing training and then apply what has been learned is so rewarding. Some possible results of signing with baby include developing a stronger bond between baby and parent, easier communication of baby’s wants and needs, a larger vocabulary and of course precious time spent together.

baby signing for communication

Babies develop at an unbelievable rate during the very early years and this is why those early days and weeks are so important. It is easy to be misled into believing that a child’s education begins at 4 years as they enter school. However this is not the case. New pathways are being formed in the brain from the very beginning at an amazing rate and need to be stimulated for a child to reach his or her full potential. To spend this time together and to be able to take part in activities together early in your child’s life is precious and must be cherished.

One of the fun ways to spend time with your baby or young child is to attend groups or classes. If you are unable to access a class or cannot find one in your local area, then why not try out an online course? The benefit of an online course is that you can login at a convenient time and then try out the activities with baby when the time feels right. Often you also have access to the information in an online course at a later date if you happen to forget any of the activity ideas.

Enjoy the time with your little one.


Baby, Toddler Preschool Music Classes

Hello and welcome to the second blog post where I will be sharing activities and some of the benefits of attending a regular music class or participating in some regular music making. I hope that these posts will inspire you to enjoy music with your child either at home, as part of a music class, or even as a combination of both!


Children singing
Children Singing

Singing is a vital part of a child’s music education. Singing is accessible to all, regardless of ability or social background, and is the instrument that we are born with. It is important that the songs used for the early years are chosen with care and that they are suited to your child’s undeveloped voice. Songs for the early years should be child friendly and should use notes within a small range that will be accessible to a young child. They should also have a simple rhythm and words that are easy to articulate. To grab your child’s attention it is helpful to link the song to something they are interested in. For example, whilst singing the song, ‘Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear’, why not role play with a teddy bear, or perhaps follow up with a chat about toys? The song will be more meaningful to your little one if it is linked to their interests in some way.


circle games
Circle Games

Another way of making a song more meaningful to a child is to use games as a method of delivering the song. Children love to play and if singing can be combined with games and play it will be much more meaningful than by instruction alone. By playing musical games children are developing creativity, reasoning skills, spacial awareness, coordination, turn-taking, discipline, listening skills, memory and language skills. Singing games will enable your child to enter a magical world where they can create and imagine all kinds of characters and adventures that they can link to a specific singing or circle game. Musical games are also a great way for your child to make friends and to create a fun and friendly atmosphere.

Please do not worry if your child does not want to take part in the activity. Children learn so much just by being present for an activity or by hearing a song and simply observing. Children are all different, with some needing more time to settle than others. Eventually, when they are ready they will sing by their own choice and by letting them come around to it in their own time in an unpressured environment a much more enjoyable experience will be had by all.

I hope that you will enjoy sharing musical activities with your children at home as part of everyday life and even perhaps at a regular music class.

For more news about music classes and music education you are welcome to follow Play On Education on Facebook, or to follow our blog via Networked Blogs or email subscription.

Happy music making!

Baby, Toddler and Preschool Music Classes


Are you looking for a weekly parent and toddler session that is educational and fun, aswell as providing you with some social time with other parents and a break from  the daily chores? Why not consider a baby, toddler or preschool music class based in your local area? Children love to sing and to move to music which makes music class time an enjoyable time for the whole family. Let me share some of the benefits of attending a music class.

Developing social skillsAttending a music class helps to develop social skills and the forming of positive relationships. By seeing the same little friends each week, your young child will start to feel part of a group and will learn to interact with others and share the instruments and props. It will also provide the parent with some well earned social time too!

Singing songs and chanting rhymes will help to develop memory. How many song lyrics can you easily recall, but if asked to remember spoken sentences your mind goes blank?! When singing and chanting rhymes and songs the pronunciation of the words is emphasised and is clearer. In addition, it also tends to be slower than in normal speech. For these reasons the words can be easily imitated by young children and clearly understood.

Developing the ability to imitate some words from a chant or to sing back part of a song from class can be a huge boost to a childs self esteem. That feeling of achievement and satisfaction will develop hand in hand with a growing confidence and an ‘I can do this’ attitude which is wonderful to see.

There are many more benefits to be gained from regular musical activity that I will share with you next time.

Happy music making!

Mookie Scuttlebug Review

I am delighted to have been asked by Mums Club to review the Mookie Scuttlebug.  

The Mookie Scuttlebug is a folding tricycle recommended for ages 1 -3 years and up to 20kg in weight. When I received the Ladybird Scuttlebug to review I was happy to see how compact and lightweight the box was and that it included a handle for easy carrying. The box displayed clear pictures and good descriptions of the trike and inside there were a set of very clear and simple instructions included.  

Mookie Scuttlebug Review
Simply unfold the wheels until they lock into place. It couldn’t be easier!

I was very happy to find that I did not have to screw anything together or battle with annoying tags. I simply had to unfold the rear wheels until they locked into place and then unclip and pull the front wheel forward until it also locked – perfect for an impatient toddler! Folding the Scuttlebug was just as quick and easy, literally taking seconds to do!  

After carrying the lightweight box I was a little concerned about the strength and durability of the Scuttlebug. Well, I needn’t have worried! As soon as I took the trike from the box I could instantly feel how strong and sturdy it is, (and believe me it needs to be with my ‘not so little one’!) The plastic seat is thick and well made, unlike many easily breakable toys you can buy nowadays. Textured detailing makes the seat slip resistant, whilst the legs and locking system feel strong, safe and secure, offering complete peace of mind. The colourful handle bars are conveniently positioned for a comfortable ride and help to develop steering skills.  

Ladybird Scuttlebug review
The Ladybird Scuttlebug is easily identifiable for children

The ladybird is a very cute character. It is really attractive to young children, being brightly coloured and including facial features to add to its appeal. The seat design features an unmistakable ladybird pattern, making it easily identifiable. Little one was delighted to be presented with his friendly ladybird and beamed with delight! He couldn’t wait to test it out!  


The Scuttlebug can be used indoors and outdoors. We enjoyed testing it out on a variety of surfaces as can be seen on the photographs. The small wheels provide a smooth and quiet ride, making it easy for a little one to use when going for a walk.  


Scuttlebug review
Riding the Scuttlebug on grass
Scuttlebug review on tarmac
Riding the Scuttlebug on tarmac
Riding the Scuttlebug
My little boy loves his new Scuttlebug!






One of the Scuttlebugs main features is it’s compact, foldable design, making it incredibily portable and easy to take anywhere. When folded flat the Scuttlebug can fit underneath a pushchair or easily into the boot of a car when not in use. Even when the car is packed full for our holiday my little boy will still be able to take his favourite bike as it takes up very little space.

It is a shame that we didn’t know about the Scuttlebug sooner as it is only suitable for children up to 3 years of age. My little one absolutely loves his Scuttlebug but as he is a large 2  1/2 year old he will only have a short time left to use it. I would definitely recommend buying the Scuttlebug if you have a young toddler. You won’t regret it!


Add Music To Your Child’s Life

This guest blog post by Sabrina Peña Young was originally published on my previous Play On Education website on March 1, 2011.


Sabrina Peña Young is a celebrated avant-garde composer and video artist with a wide-ranging background in music education. She recently became a mother, adding a wonderful new dimension to her enjoyment of music…

My toddler has loved music since the womb. As the lucky daughter of a composer, my baby girl has listened to everything from experimental electronic music to Tchaikovsky to opera to the Dave Matthews Band. Even before her Halloween birth, my opinionated offspring kicked my ribs angrily when daddy put on Metallica or mommy jammed too loudly on the drum set at church seven months into pregnancy. It’s no wonder that today her favorite activities involve singing “dadada” into a Lego Rock Band microphone, jamming on every drum in sight, and plucking spastic melodies on my old Yamaha keyboard.

Music fills our lives from morning until night. Celtic music, silly tunes from Patch the Pirate, tropical salsa, and contemporary classical from Philip Glass play continuously from iTunes. Our living room has a dozen instruments for my toddler to play, like a kid-size djembe, preschool xylophone, maracas, and a busted electric guitar I found at a thrift store. Mondays we enjoy a Mommy & Me music class and Tuesdays a local church hosts  a morning of storytime, music, and art. Each night baby Eva falls asleep to Mozart and Bach playing quietly in the background.

You don’t have to be a musician to add a touch of music to your children’s lives. Loving music is natural for kids. They love to bop, hop, and stomp around the living room to every musical style. Kids’ nondiscriminatory musical tastes enjoy everything from reggae to polka to symphonies equally. Plug in your iPod or hit play on an internet radio station like Stumbleaudio or Pandoa and enjoy boogying with your child. Download free lullabies for your baby from  Fill a cardboard box with noisemakers like whistles, homemade maracas, old instruments, and sticks and stage an imaginary parade for the neighborhood. Enroll in a fun music class or sign up your child for beginner piano lessons or Suzuki violin classes. Older children can enjoy a kid-friendly performance of Tchaikovsky’s Nutcracker Ballet or an outdoor jazz festival.

If you would like to check out some more fun ways to add music to your child’s life, you can check out my Music & Life series from Easy Ear Training. There are even specific articles for expectant moms, the special needs child, and lullabies. It’s a fun series, and I hope you’ll enjoy taking a look.

Well, I have to run. With a toddler, mommy’s composing time is scarce, and I have an opera to write! It was great sharing with you. I hope you and your children have the opportunity to enjoy a little bit of music in your life today!

Musically Yours,

Sabrina Peña Young

(Mami Mozart)

Guest blogger on I’m a Baby!

It’s been a busy time over at Play On Education and there are a number of collaborations with other businesses in the pipeline – watch this space! I’ve been a little quiet on my blog recently, but wanted to point all my readers in the direction of the wonderful ‘I’m a Baby’ site, a great new site for pregnant women and new mothers.

I was invited by Louise and Joanne to write a guest post on their new I’m a Baby site. I believe that everyone is born with a level of musical potential, so I jumped at the chance to write a post that may help to stimulate some musical activity in the home. Singing is a perfect activity to share with a new baby or toddler. It is accessible to all, (no props or instruments required!), and doesn’t cost a penny! Take a look at the post for information and ideas for ‘Singing To Your Baby’

There are so many benefits to be achieved from singing with your baby. Why not let me know of some benefits that you have experienced for yourself over on the Play On Education Facebook page or by leaving a comment on this blog post?! I would love to hear about your experiences.

How Play On Education Came To Be!

Hello! This is Joanne from Play On Education and as the first blog post told you a little about the company Play On Education, it would be nice to introduce myself properly too.

I live in a small village in Worcestershire with my husband and son. We are completely snowed in at the moment as I’m sure you can well imagine! My working life has always been very busy with over ten years experience of working in mainstream education as a school teacher and music co-ordinator, whilst also working evenings and weekends as a private piano and theory of music teacher. On the birth of my son I had intended to continue my work as a school teacher part-time, but as the end of maternity leave drew nearer and nearer I could see that I had a huge decision to make. I have always had a strong interest in early years music education, in the effects that musical experiences have on the very young and alongside the continuing professional development provided by various schools I have worked in, I have also sought out further specialised courses to learn more about this area of music education and child development.

Having a baby is such a life changing experience and is the perfect time to reassess your goals in life. I decided that it was the perfect time in my life to make big changes – after all I had already gone through the biggest change of all! My piano teaching business has been very steady for years and has helped to make all of this, (my new business!), possible. I have been able to continue teaching piano whilst growing the business in other directions. The plan has been to expand my teaching to include Music Kindergarten classes, (accommodating babies and children from newborn to 7 years of age), with baby, toddler and preschool music classes to introduce children to musical activity in a fun and age specific way. My plan has also involved selling early years educational items, both to parents and other educators and the most recent addition has been the inclusion of baby signing classes, to help parents to communicate with their little ones prior to speech.

learning music and playSo where are we now? Well, following some online promotion and demonstration courses throughout the latter half of 2010, we are now approaching a full launch of the business. New music classes for the baby and toddler age, aswell as baby signing classes will be starting in Bewdley, Kidderminster, Worcester and Pershore areas in the new year. The logo has been designed and my company name has changed from ‘Music Palace’ to ‘Play On Education’ to incorporate all of the different aspects of the new business, (music, education, educational & musical toys, and the list goes on …….). I have been told that my new website will be online in two weeks, and finally it’s all starting to come together! So here’s to a lovely Christmas holiday with the family and to starting a fantastic new year with a brand new fully launched business in 2011!



Play On Education Music Kindergarten Classes:

music and movementWORCESTER CITY CENTRE – MONDAY AM, (WR1 1LH)


PEOPLETON – THURSDAY AM,                       (WR10 2EG)



music and movementCome along for musical fun and learning! 30 minute classes held weekly during term time.

Email or phone for your FREE TRIAL now!

music and movement