Baby, Toddler and Preschool Music Classes


Are you looking for a weekly parent and toddler session that is educational and fun, aswell as providing you with some social time with other parents and a break from  the daily chores? Why not consider a baby, toddler or preschool music class based in your local area? Children love to sing and to move to music which makes music class time an enjoyable time for the whole family. Let me share some of the benefits of attending a music class.

Developing social skillsAttending a music class helps to develop social skills and the forming of positive relationships. By seeing the same little friends each week, your young child will start to feel part of a group and will learn to interact with others and share the instruments and props. It will also provide the parent with some well earned social time too!

Singing songs and chanting rhymes will help to develop memory. How many song lyrics can you easily recall, but if asked to remember spoken sentences your mind goes blank?! When singing and chanting rhymes and songs the pronunciation of the words is emphasised and is clearer. In addition, it also tends to be slower than in normal speech. For these reasons the words can be easily imitated by young children and clearly understood.

Developing the ability to imitate some words from a chant or to sing back part of a song from class can be a huge boost to a childs self esteem. That feeling of achievement and satisfaction will develop hand in hand with a growing confidence and an ‘I can do this’ attitude which is wonderful to see.

There are many more benefits to be gained from regular musical activity that I will share with you next time.

Happy music making!